Just be Jewish
The BBC still refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organisation. Cultivated -and horrible- human beings indulge in the nonsensical Hamas jargon: “Israeli apartheid!” and “Palestine free!”. That student leader shouted to the cheering crowd that the massacre was “beautiful”.
This happens. In this Country, we have enemies who believe that Israel is “too powerful” and must be punished.
And yet, and yet. The bunches of flowers left overnight in front of a synagogue. The messages we find every day of the shul’s answering machine: “I call just to say that we are on your side”. The Whatsapp from an acquittance, maybe a chef or the house painter. The man at the car wash, with a Balkan accent (he knows about war), who said -in Italian- “Sono dei mostri. They are monsters, but Israel will win, Inshallah” (yes, he is a Muslim)” And on and on.
When this nightmare is over, I will collect these stories, all these gestures that have warmed our hearts and made us feel less isolated, less alone.
Without sounding condescending, I have noticed that most of these acts of kindness come from people who did not go to University, who do not read the Guardian and whom you hardly would call “middle class.” It is as if the more a person is literate, the more he or she hates Israel and the Jews. The most obscene justifications of last week’s crimes always come from University educated. This may mean something.
I found that “Inshallah” very moving. It reminded me, and must remind you, that Israel is not at war with the Muslims or Islam. Israel is at war with a monstrous, antisemitic terrorist organisation, Hamas, that, at this point, must be defeated like ISIS has been defeated. An organisation whose members commit inexcusable crimes because they are educated that this is the way to Heaven. An organisation that keeps people under their heels, secluded in an open-air prison, forbidden to leave, even in front of a military attack. I hope the world now sees and takes notice that the prison guards of the much talked about open-air prison are Hamas themselves.
Israel and the civilised world must fight against Hamas and against the network of Hamas supporters and Hamas sympathisers: charities, welfare organisations, and NGOs that raise funds for the terrorists under the pretensions of Muslim piety. And there are plenty. They must be isolated and completely defunded.
The war against Hamas must be won, and Hamas as an organisation must disappear, just like ISIS. Mistakes have been made in the past dealing with Hamas. There will be time to discuss and investigate when the war is over. But at the moment, we Jews, wherever we live, Israel or Diaspora, must support the effort to eradicate and defeat Hamas.
And we are. Look at how quickly we have set apart internal disputes around the judicial reform, as intense as they were, that have lasted for months. Look how Israelis of different persuasions and backgrounds, Reform, Orthodox, Sephardi Ashkenazi, quickly open their houses to host the visitors stuck after cancelled flights. Look at how many reservists are flying back, even on Shabbat, to defend the Jewish State (some members of this synagogue).
Think about how fractured the Israeli society was until last week and how quickly it united against the monster of Islamic fundamentalists. They show us that overcoming divisions and looking at what we have in common is possible. By doing so, the Israelis set an example for us in the Diaspora, who spend too much time and energy in petty rivalries and divisions.
And so if you ask me what can we do at this moment? Community is the answer. Apart from participating in the fundraising to help our Israeli brethren (you find the instructions in our Iton), my suggestion is: to be with your community. Be Jewish. Come to the synagogue. Come to the study sessions. Stay for the lunch and learn when we have it. Come in person as much as you can.
Be Jewish because with our presence in person, with our physical presence, we help other Jews to feel less alone and less isolated. This is when you need your community as much as the community needs you.
The same for simchas. Look for reasons for a simcha. You have never celebrated your birthday or marriage anniversary with an Alya and perhaps a kiddush? Do it now! Do it this year. Come for your bar mitzvah anniversary, have an alya for that. Remember, you can have an adult bat or bar mitzvah if you haven’t had one, or you can have a second Bar or Bat Mitzvah. And if you are in love with a Jewish person, THIS is the moment to propose and to marry. There’s nothing more joyful than a Jewish marriage.
Remember, Our enemies celebrate death; we celebrate life. Hamas wants us to mourn; we will celebrate and be happy. Davka. In their face
Am Yisrael Chai.